This is the poignant narrative of family struggle and transformation. The vase serves as a vessel for the depiction of a dragon, a powerful metaphor for a father who, unbeknownst to himself, has succumbed to the relentless grasp of dementia. As the dragon coils around the vase, its presence symbolises the profound changes undergone, losing not only his memories but also the pillars of his identity—freedom, wealth, home, and mobility.
The dragon, initially a creature of majestic strength, now morphs into an aggressive guardian, fiercely protecting the fragments of a life that slips through his diminishing grasp. The vase, standing as a witness to this metamorphosis, invites contemplation on the fragility of human existence and the heart breaking transformation of a once vibrant individual into a guardian of elusive treasures, his dragon-like demeanour shielding the fragments of a life now confined within the boundaries of his fading consciousness.
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